This Railroad Saves Lives
Our Prism Exfoliating Glow Potion was named after crystals that refract light to reveal the UV spectrum, and its rainbow of exfoliating fruit acid ingredients reflect this influence. Our founder, Julia Wills, was inspired to create this potion while she was meditating during Pride season at Seattle’s Volunteer Park, which is beloved by the Seattle LGBTQIA+ community. She dedicated Prism to this community, and $1 from each sale is given to an organization that fights for LGBTQIA+ rights and safety.

We rotate our Prism-dedicated charity quarterly, and in the past we have donated to the Trans Women of Color Collective, the Queer & Trans Youth Music Project, and most recently, Immigration Equality. Each organization is picked by a member of our wonderful staff. This quarter, Herbivore’s Accounts Receivable Administrator Josh Pearson was tasked with the duty of making the selection: Rainbow Railroad, an organization that provides individuals at risk of harm in LGBTQI-hostile countries with paths to safety and asylum.
Read on for insight from Josh about this amazing org, and why he chose it as our latest Prism-dedicated charity:
HB: What initially drew you to Rainbow Railroad?
JP: I attended a fundraiser held by a friend for the Rainbow Railroad, before that I had not heard about them. After learning about their mission and the work that they do, I quickly started sharing their website with friends and family to help this great organization get the support it needs.
HB: What do you think is most important about their work and services?
JP: I think that sometimes we forget that not everyone, and not every country gives the same rights to their LGBTQI people. In many countries, you can still be put to death, beaten, or put in prison if you are outed or thought to be LGBTQI. Especially in migrant/refugee communities, which are already marginalized, these LGBTQI people are the marginalized of the marginalized. I believe the most important aspect of their work is that they are actively not only helping monetarily for the refugees they are trying to relocate, but they are also helping those who have the means to flee, by ushering them to the local communities organizations to help with the legal battle and struggles of applying for Asylum.